LunarCon Auction

Welcome everybody and thank you for joining LunarCon's very own Housing Item Auction. This page will contain the event rules as well as the catalogue of housing items that are up for auction.

Event Location:

Event Rules:

  • The event is free for everybody. There is no preregistration or fee required to join the auction.
  • Please make sure to queue up in the front yard of the event location in a manageable line. A member of the staff will grant you entry into the location one by one until the maximum number of people is reached.
  • Like last year, this will be a timed auction to counteract stream delay and other things. An example on how it will look like is on the picture below

  • You are allowed to use the “Say” chat during the whole event. Please make sure to keep the “Yell/”Shout” chat free for the auctioneer and the bids.
  • Only bids said via “Shout” chat will be registered as a valid bid.
  • There is a set increment for bids. It is 1,000 (one thousand) gil, meaning only bids that beat the current leader by a multiple of 1,000 (for example 1,000 -> 3,000, 3,000 -> 4,000, 4,000 -> 12,000) will be accepted.
  • If you win an auction item, a member of the staff will approach you after the auction and instruct you how to use the mannequin to finalize your winning bid. In the meantime, please be seated in the Winner’s Lounge for easier identification after the auction.

  • Should the winning bidder not be able to finish the trade for any reason, the winning bid will go to the second highest bidder etc..
  • You are allowed to win one auction.
  • All Items have been 100% provided by Lirmy.

Item Catalogue: Every Item Starts at 1,000 Gil

Variant Dungeon Package

SweepCon must Live on

That one Bozja CE

Submarine Minion Package

Sleepyhead Package 2

Sil'dihn runs? No, Thanks

Sleepyhead Package 1

Rokkon runs? No, Thanks

Salon Package

Orchestrion Package Trial

Orchestrion Package Raid

Orchestrion Package Alliance

Lawless Varsity Package

Fashion Package

Flagstone Foundation

Farming the Diadem is fun they said

6.2 Trial Housing

6.1 Trial Housing

6.3 Trial Housing

6.4 Trial Housing

Staff Involved:




Lirmy Pat


Tiki Cosmos



Lirmy Pat



Tiki Cosmos