Need Help?

During LunarCon if you ever need help, we’re here to lend a hand! We have an amazing team of volunteers and moderators on site to help with whatever you need.

The pictures below are the official glams for the LunarCon mod team this year.
To verify a mod, make sure they have the glam, the Materia Melder icon, and they will also have the blue Mod Team role in the LunarCon Discord with their in-game name.
(You may need to update your nameplate settings if the Materia Melder icon does not appear)

Feel free to reach out to the following people in game if you need assistance!

Emerald Arda
Rimilla Sakura
Indecisive Maru
Arikochi Ishiku
Syrus Vice
Claire Lavellan
Cybelle Dormin
Zaphir Ame
Sofi Solis
Icarus Hanyo
Sigri Feltuumial
Sen Farsai
Lirmy Par
Rinn Orben
Kiku Torioi
Zayah Dalamiq
Leeja Fythe
Aliona Rose
Nyx Nevermore
Sephirah Binah
Wendy Moira
L'archelle Gozen
Craig Oddor
Hana Nevermore
Thorium Wottel

If you are in need of help, and are unable to find a volunteer in game at the convention, ping the "Lunar Mods" in the LunarCon Discord and we will be sure to help you out!